
4 Steps to a Practical Business Continuity Management Plan

Federal regulators require institutions to maintain Emergency Preparedness Plans, such as Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Pandemic Preparedness. These plans ensure continuity of the institution in the unlikely event a significant incident or disaster occurs. The consequences to a financial institution can be severe if proper disaster recovery and business continuity planning does not occur and continuity of business fails.

Recorded Thursday,
June 20th, 2024
Presented by Cole Ponto
1h 30m total length
$299.00 or 1 Token

Includes: 30 Days OnDemand Playback, Presenter Materials and Handouts

  • Compliance
  • Information Technology/Security
  • Risk Management/Legal
  • Technology/Security
  • Compliance Officer
  • Deposit Operations Manager/Specialist
  • Internal Auditor
  • IT Professional
  • Loan Operations Manager/Specialist
  • Privacy Officer/Information Security Professional
  • Risk Manager
  • Security Officer

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Many significant business continuity risks are connected directly to disasters originating from cybersecurity threats. Building a valuable, comprehensive Business Continuity Management (BCM) plan is no small task, and the plan must take a holistic view of the institution and involve representation from all functional units of the organization.

So, where do you start, and how do you build a BCMP that will be valuable to the institution? In this session, we’ll highlight how to build a BCMP in 4 steps.

What You'll Learn

  • Start with your Risk Assessment – the Business Impact Analysis
  • Build your Business Continuity Management plan documentation
  • Test your BCMP via Tabletop Walkthroughs to improve your processes
  • Functional Business Continuity/Disaster Recover Testing to ensure your recoverability

Who Should Attend

Those responsible for risk management and business continuity

Cole Ponto

Instructor Bio

Cole Ponto is an Information Security Consultant with SBS Cybersecurity Institute. He is a Certified Banking Business Continuity Planner (CBBCP) Instructor, received his Bachelor of Science in Computer and Network Security from Dakota State University, and has three years of IT Auditing and Consulting experience.