
IRA Basic and Advanced - 2 Day Streaming

This 2 day live stream covers everything you need to know about IRAs. Whether you attend the IRA Basic, IRA Advanced or both, you will receive the latest electronic version of the 275-page IRA "Red Book" Training Manual. We will use this manual in both events.

Live Stream OnDemand
August 15, 2023
August 16, 2023
Presented by Patrice Konarik
7h total length
$1,889.00 or 8 Tokens

Includes: 12 months of OnDemand playback access

  • IRAs
  • Branch Manager
  • Compliance Officer
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Deposit Operations Manager/Specialist
  • Internal Auditor
  • New Accounts Representative
  • Private Banker
  • Teller
  • Trainer
  • Trust Officer

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Series Details

IRA Basic Issues - All Day Streaming

There are very few products at the financial institutions that bring on a feeling of insecurity more than the mention of three letters: I-R-A. What are they? How do we open them? What forms do we use? What if they ask us questions we can't answer?

  • A review of the top 20 terms of IRAs you will hear over and over again
  • What forms are used to establish a new IRA Plan vs. what forms to use for different transactions for existing IRA clients?
  • Traditional IRAs - contribution limits, deductions and distribution requirements
  • Roth IRAs - contribution limits and qualified tax free distributions
  • SEP IRAs - employer contribution limits, qualifications and reporting

IRA Advanced Issues - All Day Streaming

Now that many of you have a comfort level with the basics, it's time to get into the real nitty gritty of IRAs. What's the difference of moving an IRA from bank to bank and a QP to a bank? Distribution penalty exception prior to age 59.5, mandatory distributions at age 73 and payouts to IRA beneficiaries.

  • What is the difference between a Qualified Plan to IRA Rollover vs. an IRA to IRA Rollover?
  • When is an IRA to IRA movement considered a Transfer and not a Rollover?
  • What distribution codes do we use for pre-59.5 penalty exceptions?
  • What IRA owners are affected by the increase in RMD age from 72 to 73?
  • How do the three new categories of beneficiaries affect payout options?
  • What are the nine biggest mistakes when paying out to a beneficiary?
  • When does a non-spouse beneficiary have to take an annual death distribution prior to the 10-year close-out date?

What You'll Learn

Each event in the series will cover specific topics relative to the subject matter.

Who Should Attend

Everyone even remotely involved in IRAs at your financial institution including: New Account Representatives, Certificate of Deposit Personnel, Savings Counselors, Accountholder Service Representatives, Investment and Trust Personnel who need this update and are involved in the opening, selling, marketing, or administration of IRAs. Any officer/manager who "oversees" the IRA department and may be responsible for answering IRA accountholders questions or concerns but does not actually open IRA accounts. Experienced IRA Personnel who like a slower pace workshop to cover all the new changes in a comprehensive manner.

"Patrice Konarik is extremely knowledgeable regarding IRAs. She took complicated scenarios and explained in a simple, straightforward way why IRA transactions were processed a certain way and the consequences of doing them incorrectly. Her combination of humor and knowledge, made this training both informative and enjoyable. I would definitely recommend to anyone who is wanting to increase their IRA knowledge." -- Leslie Diaz, Relationship Banking Manager, Crossfirst Bank

"Patrice does a fantastic job with delivering information about IRAs. She does so in a manner that is easy to understand, easy to follow, and leaves you with a wealth of knowledge. I have attended this seminar before and find it extremely beneficial each time! Thank you!" - Kevin Eskew, Limestone Bank

Patrice Konarik

Instructor Bio

Patrice M Konarik is president of Sunwest Training Corp founded almost 30 years ago and located in the Texas Hill Country near San Antonio. With over 40 years of experience in the financial industry, Patrice has focused her expertise on the retirement account area. After 28 years on the road providing live training nationwide, she now concentrates on providing informational IRA and HSA webinars through OnCourse Learning. She has a B.S. in Management Science from New York’s Binghamton University and previously held her Certified Financial Planner designation for 23 years.