To register for the full series, click here.
Opening business accounts can create angst! Sole Proprietorships owned by a married couple, LLCs, LLPs, General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Corporations, escrow accounts, and political organizations – why are there so many different types of business entities?
What is the securest way to determine who has the authority to transact on behalf of a business entity – especially when owned by another entity? Verifying if a business entity is legitimate and who has the authority to transact business on behalf of that entity can be challenging.
When can a business use the owner's SSN vs. an EIN? When does a bank need a partnership agreement, bylaws, or operating agreement? FinCen requirements will be addressed.
In this two-hour comprehensive webinar, participants gain confidence and a clear understanding of the regulatory, compliance, documentation, and proper TIN requirements for opening business accounts. This session is not state law-specific.
It is highly recommended that attendees have a copy of the financial institution's account agreement, signature card, and resolutions to reference during the session. To customize the course to state law, the financial institution may want to access the Secretary of State’s website to review documentation requirements on forming business structures in that state.