
Overdraft Programs: Avoiding an Exam Disaster

Overdraft programs continue to be a hot button for examiners, especially the CFPB. Despite the guidance and communications issued by the agencies, there is still confusion over what requirements actually apply to the programs you offer. In this webinar, we’ll review OD regulations and provide OD best practices.

Recorded Tuesday,
June 11th, 2024
Presented by Dawn Kincaid
2h total length
2.5 CRCM Credits
$299.00 or 1 Token

Includes: 30 Days OnDemand Playback, Presenter Materials and Handouts

  • Compliance
  • Deposit
  • Deposit Accounts
  • Deposit Compliance
  • General Compliance
  • Risk Management/Legal
  • Transaction Compliance
  • Branch Manager
  • Compliance Officer
  • Deposit Operations Manager/Specialist
  • Internal Auditor
  • New Accounts Representative
  • Risk Manager

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This session provides a comprehensive review of OD regulatory guidance, including a discussion of how to address representment fees and overdraft fees resulting from APSN transactions in your policies and procedures. We will discuss how to develop effective policy and procedures, and best practices for handling the representment process and related fees. We'll discuss best practices for disclosures, fees, accountholder education, compliant marketing of OD programs, and ongoing monitoring of accountholder activity. We will also review OD issues identified through consumer complaints, examinations, and enforcement actions and provide recommendations for you to avoid similar mistakes.

What You'll Learn

  • Guidance for ad hoc vs. automated OD programs
  • Opt-in/Opt-out under Regulation E
  • Inherent risks of OD programs
  • Overdraft restrictions for employees and insider
  • Understanding the impact of UDAAP
  • Reporting OD details effectively to the board and management

Who Should Attend

This session is designed for New Accounts personnel, Branch Managers, Deposit Operations staff, Compliance Officers, and Internal Auditors.

Dawn Kincaid

Instructor Bio

Dawn Kincaid began her banking career while attending The Ohio State University. She has 19 years of experience in client service, operations, information technology, administrative and board relations, marketing, and compliance. Most recently Dawn served as the Senior Vice President of Operations for a central-Ohio-based community bank, where she created and refined policies and procedures, conducted self-audits and risk assessments, and organized the implementation of new products and services. Dawn has served in the roles of Compliance, BSA/AML, CRA, Privacy, and Security Officer. She has led training initiatives, prepared due diligence information, completed a variety of regulatory applications, coordinated internal and external audits, and exams, and presented for numerous state associations.

Continuing Education Credit Information

Overdraft Programs: Avoiding an Exam Disaster has been approved for 2.5 CRCM credits. This statement is not an endorsement of this program or its sponsor. Credits are redeemable for both Live and OnDemand viewing. For questions on certificates, please email support@oncourselearning.com. Certification holders must report these credits at https://aba.csod.com.