This 6-hour live streaming webinar will provide information on new, proposed, and revised changes to the Call Report with identification of specific Call Report line items impacting March 2023 and beyond. Accounting guidance and regulatory changes will be discussed and presented in order to update those with Call Report preparation and review responsibilities.
With the deadline for adopting current expected credit loss (CECL) approaching, financial institutions are grappling with a multitude of questions regarding its implementation.
The filing deadline is April 30, 2023 for the March 31, 2023 report date. Get your questions answered regarding how to report your CECL adoption in the Call Report.
The format for this webinar will be live streaming with 2 designated Q&A sessions.
Given the complex and volatile economic and industry environment, the role of the internal auditor is changing and expectations of internal audit by bank examiners, external auditors, management, and stakeholders are increasing. This program will discuss the definition of internal audit and the evolving role of the internal audit function within organizations.
The purpose of this two-hour webinar is to provide participants with a good understanding of the loan documentation process. Participants will be exposed to the five steps in the loan documentation process.
Learn the basics of evaluating tax returns and personal financial statements in this 90-minute webinar.
The webinar series will generally cover all major asset, liability, equity, income, and expense line items in a financial institution’s basic balance sheet and income statement.
This webinar provides participants with the federal rules that are applicable when processing garnishments on deposit accounts receiving federal benefit payments.
If you are asking your customer “Are you a US citizen?” at account opening, you might be asking the wrong question and creating unnecessary risk. Learn the most common errors so you can avoid unnecessary risk.
Fulfill your bank training needs with webinars
We offer over 450+ live and OnDemand webinars per year for bankers covering topics such as compliance, employee development, coaching, BSA/AML, lending, bank call reporting, TRID, as well as trending hot topics like pandemic preparedness, the Cares Act, regulation updates and much more! Delivered by respected financial services industry experts, our webinars are timely, relevant and always engaging.