Learn practical tips to deliver more powerful business presentations or training sessions by projecting more confidence in the room and on camera.
In today’s ever changing business environment, bank leaders are faced with hard decisions on how to allocate the company’s resources and still make a profit. Will a focus on growth or operational efficiency create value for our clients and the institution's bottom line?
Managing the loan portfolio in the face of rising interest rates, fuel costs, inflation, uncertainty in the world economy due to wars and the ongoing, but less intense effects of COVID-19 requires a different approach than in normal times. This webinar is designed for anyone with management responsibilities for a single or entire-bank loan portfolio. The program begins with a discussion of macro-economic factors and their influences on industry, business and management. It is followed by a discussion on effective management tools to navigate the bank through the challenges.
What should your organization do to close the gap and reduce your cyber risk? This session will discuss the top 6 controls your organization should be implementing to significantly reduce your risk of a cyber-attack.
Are you in need of basic training on accounting matters? Or a refresher on the common transactions that roll through your institution’s general ledger? This learning experience is designed for financial professionals, accountants, and auditors new to the financial industry or the accounting department and those seeking a refresher course on the basic accounting concepts targeted for the activities of a financial institution.
During this program we will review the set-up, documentation and legal issues involved in these high- risk accounts. You will learn how to style these accounts and get the signature card perfect every time.
Learn the current HOT TOPICS and avoid problem practices and pitfalls. Plus, learn how to protect your organization and yourself from liability and how to navigate the swamp.
This course is designed to demonstrate the factors required to consider in establishing the proper loan amount for short-term needs, and not rely solely upon a formula-driven approach. This is the essence of short-term loan structuring. During this session, the participant will learn how to calculate the length of the financing gap, which is the time between receipt of cash from the operating cycle and the time required to pay creditors.
Great slideshows don't need to take a lot of time and effort! Learn some essential PowerPoint tips and tricks to help you effectively present any type of information to every type of audience with more ease.
Fulfill your bank training needs with webinars
We offer over 450+ live and OnDemand webinars per year for bankers covering topics such as compliance, employee development, coaching, BSA/AML, lending, bank call reporting, TRID, as well as trending hot topics like pandemic preparedness, the Cares Act, regulation updates and much more! Delivered by respected financial services industry experts, our webinars are timely, relevant and always engaging.